According to article 62 of the Internal Regulation of Operation of the University of West Attica (Government Gazette 4621/21-10-2020, Issue B΄), the General Assembly of each Department appoints, for the succeeding academic year, the duties of the Academic Counselor to one or more Professors of the Department, providing them with an exemption from other administrative tasks. Academic Counselors advise and support first-year students in order to facilitate their transition from the secondary to the tertiary education. Through their teaching, research and professional experience, they provide support and guidance to the students regarding issues relevant to their progress and successful completion of their studies, as well as concerning career issues.
Faculty members and members of the Special Teaching Staff, the Laboratory Teaching Staff, the Special Technical Laboratory Staff and the rest of teaching staff, the administrative staff, the Directors of Laboratories, the Directors of Divisions and the Presidents of Departments, as well as the responsible services of the Institute, collaborate with and support the Academic Counselors in their work, while they receive their feedback information, remarks, suggestions and requests on possible deficiencies and malfunctions that can create problems to the students, alongside recommendations on how to address them.
Ms. Kanetaki Zoi, Lecturer, has been appointed, by the Assembly of the Department (12 / 06-07-2021), as the Academic Counselor of the students of the Department for the academic year 2021-2022.
For communication or online meeting via MS Teams, please contact her ( so that a relevant link can be sent to you.
Regulation for the institution of Academic Counselor
Regulation for managing complaints and objections from students
According to article 61 of the Internal Regulation of Operation of the University of West Attica (Government Gazette 4621/21-10-2020, Issue B΄), Departments of the University appoint the role of Counselor for Students with Disabilities (SwD) to Professors. The services of the Institute in collaboration with the Professors SwD Counselors take action in the following areas:
The Department for the academic year 2021-2022 has appointed the following:
For communication or online meeting via MS Teams, please contact Mr. Kavadias Kosmas ( so that a relevant link can be sent to you.